Saturday 8 October 2011

Open letter to Morden Town Council

Perhaps at the next council meeting you should consider removing the yellow signs on Thornhill Ave. indicating Historic down town Morden, if it’s not to be? At the same time they may also consider changing the town slogan from See History Unfold to just See History Folding

Since previous councils seen fit to pack up the old Morden Museum and gradually disperse it about.

The most recent issue the Arlington Hotel is most tragic.

The two parties involved, yourselves and Rudy Enns seems to be at logger heads over it’s future or it’s demise.

Does the Town Council not have the wherewithal or mechanisms to deal with this issue in a appropriate and open fashion, it seems not.

Surely, in the heat of accusations, a competent unbiased mediator could be sought to not only diffuse the issues, but work towards implementing a feasible and acceptable plan for all concerned.

Just as the residential development at Lake Minnewasta was put under community scrutiny so can the Grand Old Arlington.

One can more easy accept whatever the out come of the Arlington, as long as that due process has occurred.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the issue? Tear it down, or rebuild it? Or the process to determine its fate. What I see is a shotgun approach where everything is hit, but no one hit the target. maybe the Pumphandle could address this. A more positive approach would be to offer alternative well thought out solutions instead of shooting the messenger, and everyone within shooting range.....