Thursday 21 July 2011


I'm usually hesitant to express my thoughts, whether they be right or wrong.
Occasionally though I sometimes create a photo or cartoon that expresses my feelings at the time. Here are just a few of my creations that have been gathering dust in my computer, that I thought I would share.

Ah, I remember this lady! She was part of our Chautauqua celebrations. The banners were hung on the Highway with care, in hopes that our Town artists could celebrate the arts with some flare! Unfortunately I saw the banners in a somewhat different light. They appeared to me as the “pants” of a somewhat heavy woman, and thus the result was this attention grabbing welcoming pose. Perhaps they could have been used as an alternative advertisement for our “Farmers Market” produce after the Chautauqua celebrations ended! Fresh Veggie Eating Capital of Canada!

Then there those discussions regarding the viability for the construction of a museum to lodge the artifacts that are being discovered in our surrounding landscape. I wondered just how the two worlds that exist in our area would cope with the convergence of two beliefs.

As always, if you’re going to build something, just where is the best location?

Everyone seemed to have an opinion. The dig site location or the more visible corridor location. Ah, such a dilemma! Maybe it should be decided by the those who are directly involved. Maybe let the dinosaur decide by a “flip” of a coin.

Heads, Thornhill or Tails, the Corridor.

And then of course we’d require new signage on our highways
, and the dilemma of where to put those Dinosaur Crossing signs.

I remember when I thought my internet service was extremely slow and wasn’t at all pleased when my internet service provider MTS did not respond quickly to my needs.In fact they refused to set an appointment time with me. They would only say they’d be out to my place sometime next week Friday.

As if I was to stay at home and wait for them to arrive at their leisure? That’s when I heard Telus, another supplier was competing for business and created this cartoon depicting the MTS buffalo being done in by the competition. I actually sent this to MTS

Then came our own Canadian Election which coincided with the Charlie Sheen antics. What was even more strange was that Charlie Sheen’s character on his show, had the name Charlie Harper……no I’m not kidding. Both he and Stephen Harper had one goal……WINNING and thus

But overall the best things in life tend to be free…like a coupon. I came across these being handed out by a friend of mine and I thought I would share one with all you who read the blog and might need a hug.

Images and comments by Terry Titchkosky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I tried to comment when I first got this but my lack in tech skills obviously sent it to never never land. Good job Terry, I enjoyed the topics, comments and cartoons. I too was not a fan of the banners, but my mundane mind did not think of such a creative solution. Hey veggie capital, that sounds good promo for the town. Church and dino's will definately have some interesting discussion, but it's not about whether they existed, only the timeline. I think in the end the fact that we are celebrating they existed will win out. I agree, let the dino's decide where to build - dino-Xing - right on. Love the hug coupon, need to make some of those up. My friend Shelley is a super great hugger, and I think the world needs more of that. I remember Leo Buscaglia years ago, was a public speaker, who made the act of hugging a big part of his presentation. Hugs to you Terry, and I hope I remember to ask for one next time I see you.