1. Steven Harper - Prime Minister
2. Janson Kenny - Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
3. Peter van Loan - Minister of Public Safety
4. Mikhail Lennikov - landed immigrant
In the spirit of the Reform/Conserative movement, I feel this is a fair and equitable solution that a public vote could determine. Along with the cold weather in many parts of the West, it seems Mr Harper also wishes to resurrect the Cold War of yesteryear with Russia. His two cabinet ministers, ages 41 and 46, would only have experienced cold Cokes during this period. Slim on cold war events but adept at attack ads and U.S.S.R. tactics borrowed from the 20th century, they forge blindly on. So it is up to the remainder of us who felt the effect of the Cold War period to sort this matter out for these young bumpkins. Mr. Kenny has to stop hiding behind the Court order he can sidestep, and Mr Harper must cease and desist using K.G.B. tactics to discredit Michael Ignatieff, just because his parents were Russian immigrants.
Cast your ballots, folks!
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