Wednesday, 4 February 2009

"Woody Flex"

Ahhhhhh!!!……. the Ford "Flex"! I finally saw one in the flesh (metal) the other day. It caught my eye enough to search for it on the internet. The site describes it as …."something different, unique, all new crossover, radically bold, boxy, eye-catching design". All these superlatives are just rolling off the tongue at Ford’s promotion assembly line. Well Henry, dear Henry, I think it’s more like……"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue." For all those young Ford engineers and designers, please know the Flex was around in 1947, but it was then called the “Woody”. If you slapped wood grain panels on this 2009 Ford Flex, you would have the 47/09 “Woody Flex” of today. I think Ford has taken a line from James Bond, in that they may have "shaken" their product line, but "not stirred" their imaginations. Now the Ford Motor Company hasn’t requested any bailout money yet, so I guess they are banking all of their money and hopes on the Flex. Check the pictures below, and I think you will agree that this is just the reincarnation of the same old, same old, with a bit of a twist.

1947 Ford "Woody"

2009 Ford Flex

The fake wood is an aftermarket add-on. Available in any color you can get your Flex in, it looks as cool as it can in black with the black roof.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Harold....Hope the new year is treating you well!
As for the "woody 2009", looks like a gas guzzler. Or did they green it up to make it more eco-friendly, lol.
A Ford person myself, I can honestly say that the "Edsel" and the "Woody" are both embarressments to an otherwise fine line of vehicles.
A Ford Fan