Well it’s here, winter in all its glory - first rain, then sleet, then snow! Definitely the worst combination for driving, getting around, and removing! Maybe this didn’t happen where you are, but it definitely did here, and in most of Western Canada.The only advantage I had this year over last year's first snowfall, is that my good neighbour “Jake” tipped me off that by using gasoline in my snow blower it will start and even work. Wow! Where do these guys come up with these innovative ideas? So I pondered on that tip for some weeks, and then it snowed, and I was ready. But I’m still not convinced winter is a BIG deal and I personally loathe it. It may be great for those who love to play hockey, ski, snowboard, snowmobile, have 4x4’s, and hunt game, but as for me I’d prefer to just hibernate until mid-March. I would even sacrifice Christmas. I propose that we like- minded individuals lobby the pharmaceutical industry giants to perfect a so- called "Hibernation Serum" that can be taken in early winter, much like a 'flu shot. I’m sure it would rank right up there with Viagra for sales, at least north of the 49th parallel. Can you recall truth serum? It was a total flop, but hibernation serum has much greater potential. Come on, let’s go for it, hibernate a little, I say. As for myself, I can live off the reserves of my body fat, with a lower body temperature, pulse rate, and slower metabolism. Then when I burst forth in the spring, people will say “My, you’ve lost weight Harold! How did that happen?" "Oh! I just slept it off this winter," would be my smug reply!
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