Locally many of you will be unaware of this small industry tucked away in Morden’s Industrial Park. Back in 1999 the father & son team of Almer and Jeff Enns started this venture converting newspapers, flyers, posters and all manner of paper, into a fire retardant insulation material for homes and buildings. Then in August of 2006, they sold to the Can-Am Colony of Hutterites based in Margaret, Manitoba, which is west of Ninette on PTH # 23. As this was not to be a hands on operation, they hired Garth Vandenberghe as their Business Manager. Garth originally from Killarney started out with United Grain Growers (U.G..G.) which became Agricore-United, having spent some 15 years with the two organizations.. Garth resides with his family in Morden. The complex Garth manages is a 25,000 sq ft. steel structure which houses offices, production machinery, and warehouse storage. The newsprint or raw material comes from re-cycling programs in various communities such as Morden, Winkler, Portage, Killarney and even as far away as The Pas. They have 13 pick ups a month that collects approximately 260 tons of paper. Some of this tonnage can be ruined as a result of containing plastic bags, wraps, etc. Their most plastic free paper comes from Winkler as it is checked and removed by Gateway Resources.
The paper is then placed on a conveyor and feed in to a John shredder much like your home office paper shredder. Then the shredded paper proceeds to a attrition mill where Boric acid is added and mixed with the shredded paper much like your home blender. This now fire retardant fluffy material is then packed into a 25 lbs plastic bag much like a peat moss bale.
Boric acid is found in many parts of the world, the boric acid used by Northstar comes from Turkey. Boric acid has countless uses from antiseptic, to cleaners, to use in nuclear plants, to the making of silly putty. It comes in hugh container sacks. The product looks and feels just like the table salt in your kitchen.
The bagged Insulation is then distributed mostly in Western Canada to independent retailer and insulation installers. There biggest market are new buildings. A machine is required to re-fluff the insulation and blow it in place. The plant employs 8 full time and 12 part time employees.
Since Can- Am’s takeover in August 2006, Grath has been pleased with the present growth and sales they are achieving. But mostly what Grath wishes to secretly relay, is his trip to Mexico this summer with his family, where he caught a record 262.5 lb. Blue Marlin: landing it after some hours, and made the pages of the local media. Good show Grath!
Keep Snug - Insulate!
The paper is then placed on a conveyor and feed in to a John shredder much like your home office paper shredder. Then the shredded paper proceeds to a attrition mill where Boric acid is added and mixed with the shredded paper much like your home blender. This now fire retardant fluffy material is then packed into a 25 lbs plastic bag much like a peat moss bale.
Boric acid is found in many parts of the world, the boric acid used by Northstar comes from Turkey. Boric acid has countless uses from antiseptic, to cleaners, to use in nuclear plants, to the making of silly putty. It comes in hugh container sacks. The product looks and feels just like the table salt in your kitchen.

Since Can- Am’s takeover in August 2006, Grath has been pleased with the present growth and sales they are achieving. But mostly what Grath wishes to secretly relay, is his trip to Mexico this summer with his family, where he caught a record 262.5 lb. Blue Marlin: landing it after some hours, and made the pages of the local media. Good show Grath!
Keep Snug - Insulate!
Click here>>>>http://www.northstarfibre.ca/northstarfibre.htm
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