Barbarwaaah! Barbarwaaah! How could you have devastated me so, - having an affair? An affair? You, an American “pop” icon. You, ABC’s original million dollar “babe” - how could you? How dare you dump your dark secret passions of the past on an unsuspecting public. If I was ABC, I’d be asking for a refund, or at the very least, hire Kenneth Starr to impeach you. Are you unaware of the 7th commandment “thou shall not commit adultery”? Well perhaps you didn’t commit adultery, after all, he was a Republican senator. But surely you must have lusted a little, even President Jimmy Carter admitted to lusting in Playboy. "I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I committed adultery in my heart many times," he has said. Please say it isn’t so, Barb.
And you ran right into the arms of the highest rated T.V. talk show, "Oprah", to deliver that knock-out punch to those very young media hogs like Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus), and to ward off the Britney Spears, Jessica Simpsons, and Paris Hiltons. Not since “Who shot J.R?” has such media pandemonium broken out in our midst. I can’t wait for the encore!
1 comment:
There is no fool like an old fool. I agree, why you would want to air your dirty laundry for the world to see, I can think of only one reason - ego and attention. As they say there is no such thing as bad publicity - its just plain publicity. I am nauseous from all the fawning over her lately - especially the Good Morning America crew. Yes, it was great that she helped break thru the glass ceiling of tv journalism, that was noteworthy, but to have to dish the dirt on your life just seems tacky to me. Ah well, maybe she wanted it all out there in her words, instead of an unsympathetic autobiography, after she was dead Patsy
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