Driving down Hwy #3 east this past week, you may have encounter the sweet aroma of waffles and coffee or heard the rumble of tractor engines, and if you did, well the Threshermen’s Museum was celebrating it’s 39 year with a reunion event. The smell of enticing food drifted across the grounds propelled by light winds with an overcast sky. This did not dampen the enthusiasm of many a visitor, who attended this past Friday and Saturday. Only the Indonesian exchange group shivered in their winter vests. They surely must have felt that they where on the ice flows of the arctic sea. Never the less many people where surprised that such an attraction existed in out midst. They were amazed and intrigued by the comprehensive artifact and pioneer buildings of a by gone era. Others revelled in seeing and reliving a past, they where once a part of. Children seen miniature working steam engines and threshing machines, tractors and trains, that predated their i-pods and wii’s. They could also take as many rides as they wished in the barrel train including the odd adult. Many of the historic building were manned, such as organists in the church. a conductor at the C.P.R. station, school teachers in the school, a postmaster, and a pioneer milling flour with a turn of the century Allis Chalmers flour mill. There were some 40 entries in the tractor and vehicle parade which attracted a goodly crowd as did the tractor pull later Saturday afternoon. There was a pork meat action held of a freshly butchered pig from early Saturday morning, as part of the Museums fund raising. Then of course the Harvest maids with there wholesome dinners and suppers of soup, sausages, with Keike (noodles) and Vereniki (perogies). After all this one could then drag themselves over to machine shed #2 and take in an evening of entertainment, which was well attended both evenings.
That about wraps it up, unless of course you were part of the clean up crew.
That about wraps it up, unless of course you were part of the clean up crew.
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