As Canadians, we have recently weathered the Winter Olympics, and the G8 & G20 Summit Meetings. Now suddenly, we have the T.V. Network News Anchor Wars! Lloyd Robertson's retirement is just a year away ( seems he has been with us since the days of Howdy Doody, Gunsmoke, Dallas, to Canadian Idol). Then there's Kevin Newman of Global fame, who is stepping down after just 9 years, having started at the same time as the Amazing Race series. Look out. Peter Mansbridge just standing delivering the news, and chatting with weather gal Claire Martin just wouldn't cut it anymore. At least not with the likes of Lisa La Flamme and Dawna Friesen arriving. This should give hope to the bevy of galco
rrespondents at the CBC
, should Peter's ratings fall flat. Myself I'm partial to Lisa LaFlamme. She seems charming, warm, earthy, articulate, and well schooled in journalism and interviewing. So my money is on Lisa! However beginning a year later, may give Globel's Dawna Friesen the edge in this shoot out. Dawna Friesen in her early days here in Manitoba, always seemed a little stiff and snobbish, but was a most competent reporter nonetheless. Her claim to fame is having come from the rural roots of a Manitoba farm. These ladies, and the gals to come, have a big task, not only to challenge the gender issue, but also the diminishing news viewership, as well as the hundreds of alternate news sources. I wish them well in their ongoing endeavours...........and that's the kind of day it was......for me!