Sunday, 21 September 2008


to all you wonderful pumphandle readers in helping to achieve the 3000 “hit” level for this tiny publication, in just a year and a half, we are so gratified by your response and comments. We will try to keep up as they say “the good work?” Again if there is someone you think would enjoy our babble, then spread the word. Terry & Harold, Cheers!

Friday, 19 September 2008

Portage - Lisgar

With the coronation of Candice Hoeppner for the Conservative Party in Portage -Lisgar, one has to go further afield to get a political rush. Why not follow the Prime Minister? It appears the Conservatives are making his leadership the centrepiece of their return to power. However, the election that nobody wants, and which may change nothing, will be at a cost of some $300 million. If the Prime Minister does not receive a majority, he should be obligated to step aside, and let another member of his party govern. After all, it was he who said that he could no longer govern in a minority situation.
"Grannie do all fairy tales begin with Once Upon A Time"
"No darling, there is a whole series of fairy tales that begin with,
"If Elected I Promise"

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The Photo's of John Neufeld

Birds Lake area on your left.
Morden area to your right
(click on picture to enlarge)

Saturday, 13 September 2008

A Prairie Poet Laureate

During a recent supper at a friend’s, the subject of books was brought up. Scanning her bookshelf, the hostess mentioned a book of poems her cousin had written. That tweaked my interest! "Your cousin, you say?" “Yeah, my cousin’s hubby.” "Well then, let's have a peek." I skim through its pages, and become engrossed. It grips me, holds me, and utterly intrigues me! It’s like nothing I have read for some period of time. It is absolutely insightful, revealing, eloquent poetry. It’s about farming prior to the Agri- operations of today. It is a charming insight into all those seasons and events that occur during a lifetime of toil and affirmation. If you have any affinity for the soil, the seasons, or animal husbandry on the prairies, then this is your bond of kinship with that time. You will delight in these heart rending soliloquys, as they course through your veins. After years of these poems riding around in the toolbox of his tractor, Terry has dusted off the topsoil and polished up his work to be shared in a book. It is titled “Big Thoughts from a Small Farmer” 1988 -1999. It was written by Terry Jacobson who farms near Wales, North Dakota, just beyond Maida. I highly recommend this publication which can be had from the following Website:

Then go to: NEWS & EVENTS
go to:….Newsletters
Then go to the topic:…. “Evolution” by Terry Jacobson
& sample the poetry.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008


Congratulations to Harry Mortimer and his M.T.S. Volunteers for changing a drab M.T.S. display at the Pembina Threshermen’s Museum into a showcase exhibit worthy of it’s rural history. It is an excellent exhibit now of communication paraphernalia over the years and decades, displayed and labelled most appropriately. It is a fitting tribute to all the individuals who worked in the industry, to all the rural exchanges, the communities and its past history. Congratulations are also in order to the board members, the administrator, thier dedicated volunteers, in their continued efforts to upgrade and make this Museum more relevant. Why not take in there 40th Anniversary celebrations this Friday & Saturday September 5th & 6th. 2008, on Hwy #3 between Morden & Winkler. Do they have an iPhone?, not yet!