Friday, 29 August 2008

We could write about..?

In the waning days of August, scrambling for some story material, several topics come to mind ......
We could write about the chilly weather we had right after the Corn and Apple Festival here in Morden, but that is becoming a yearly event. We could write about the shortfalls of the 2008 Corn & Apple Festival, but that would only fall on deaf ears. We could write about Michael McCain and the listeriois Maple Leaf Food Co., I’ll bet he wishes they had never had that family feud and were still on the McCain frozen potato side of things. We could write about the poor signage directing composters to the new composting site, but they will find that out soon enough on their own. And since when have the town fathers ever given us any proper direction? (Comrade Terry has addressed this in his article) We could write about the 86% of Canadian consumers who walk away from their store purchases after waiting too long for service, but why not wait till it reaches 100%, or the retail market crashes, whichever comes first. We could talk about the upcoming Federal Election, but who wants 24/7 coverage of that event - Steve, maybe? We could talk about the Portage-Lisgar election, but it has been decades since we have had one. Instead, we take the high road, and just have an appointment! Odd, when the Conservatives are pushing so hard for an elected Senate. We could talk about the election States-side. That evokes flashbacks to the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon election. But I was young, naïve, and idealistic then. Now I’m old, cynical, and more pragmatic. So there you have it - a collage of issues to tweak your discussions. Take your pick!

Morden Compost Site Sign

I saw three people at the Morden Compost Site, standing scratching their heads trying to decipher the directions on a sign for the new compost site. I went over and looked at the sign and it's unbelievable that someone could create a sign so confusing. When you are viewing the sign you are heading "South" down Mountain. I went out and took a picture of the sign as it appears. It took me awhile to figure out what exactly was wrong with the sign, eventually I surmised that the sign was in reverse of what it should be. With photo editing one is able to correct it and show how it should appear as you're facing south.

Someone in their wisdom has been taught in school that when you post directions on a map, North is always at the top, and that is correct when you are drawing a MAP!
This however is a sign to indicate a "route" or "path" to follow, not a MAP!
Using the principal of showing directions of North, East, West, and South on a route sign, the sign for making a right turn at this corner would appear as below.

Talk about confusing! Our town officials are elected to give
direction to the town, I only hope their direction for the town
is clearer than their signage.