Christmas at the DQ in Morden
What would provoke someone to have, or want to have, Xmas at the Dairy Queen in Morden? Are they nuts or what? What parallel does it have with the Christmas story of yore? There is no Star in the East to guide you there, but you can rely on the locals to give you direction. It has never had one Wiseman visit it, let alone three. Three Wisemen anywhere in the world today would be a monumental surprise to us all. But the local “Bruce” Almighty has frequented it on occasion.
Bearing gifts is nothing new - in place of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, we bring loonies, toonies, and coupons, and nobody is the wiser. As for shepherds, well, they have more or less gone by the wayside. However, a facsimile of them still exists in the form of bikers, with their Harleys, Hondas, and BMW, plus a lost tribe that call themselves "Hell’s Angels". This is as close as our local bikers will ever get to seeing a host of Angels, and when they do, you may be assured that they will be sore afraid and hugging the ground.
Then there’s Mary - and she actually exists at the DQ!
She is one of the most considerate, warm, kind, and caring women you could ever meet. She has kept the image of compassion intact since the days of Mary of Nazareth.
"More coffee, Harold?"
"Sure, Mary."
And then there is the Baby Jesus. Now you wouldn’t find Him at the DQ. But you will find parents who can’t find their child, muttering under their breath, “Jesus, where did that kid disappear to now?"
So to all the management and staff of the Morden Dairy Queen, Merry Christmas, you bring joy to all those you serve.
Is that not a part of the year round Christmas spirit?
And the same goes for all you loyal pumphandle blog readers!
Then there’s Mary - and she actually exists at the DQ!
She is one of the most considerate, warm, kind, and caring women you could ever meet. She has kept the image of compassion intact since the days of Mary of Nazareth.
"More coffee, Harold?"
"Sure, Mary."
And then there is the Baby Jesus. Now you wouldn’t find Him at the DQ. But you will find parents who can’t find their child, muttering under their breath, “Jesus, where did that kid disappear to now?"
So to all the management and staff of the Morden Dairy Queen, Merry Christmas, you bring joy to all those you serve.
Is that not a part of the year round Christmas spirit?
And the same goes for all you loyal pumphandle blog readers!