The loss by the Blue Bombers in the Grey Cup should have tip me off as to the week I was about to encounter. On Monday I took Mr Frank Ptosnick in for his follow up eye appointment, at Misericordia Health Centre in my van. I set my clock/radio alarm the previous night, which failed me in the morning. Luckily I awoke just a few minutes later. On the way in for some foolish reason I turn my van lights on, even though we had endless visibility. While we were discussing and debating the great world issues of the day, there was a need to turn on my wiper blades, which resulted in the splitting of the rubber blade on one. As both were not cleaning the windshield all that well, I made a mental note to have them replaced. We arrived in time, jumped out of the van, I with a book in hand to see Frank’s eye doctor. A couple of hours later and a few chapters later. We headed back to the van anticipating lunch as it was 12:15 p.m. Low and behold we arrive at my van, inserted the key, NOTHING, except a sinking feeling, turned key again, sinking feeling hits bottom, angry follows, as I quickly realize my stupidity. Obviously I had inadvertently left my lights on, and didn’t even hear the warning bell earlier. Frank having a CAA membership said, will just give them a call. Back over the overpass and to a lobby with payphones. I call the number listed on Frank’s card but misdialed, there goes another 50 cents of my allowance for the month. Dialed again (actually key punched) and got hold of a pleasant person. I give him the pertain details and advise I would stand outside of the park cad to hail the responder, whom he said would be there no later than 1:20 p.m. The hate myself syndrome was really escalating within me.
So there we both stood in front of the entrance of the 25 Sherbrook Street park cad slowly getting colder. A CAA tow truck passed by, and later a CAA quarter ton. Frank finally went up to the overpass to get warm. Finally at 1:35 p.m. a CAA rescuer appeared. Wouldn’t you know it, his initial vehicle wouldn’t start, so had to get another one. Bang my van started and off we went to Frank’s 2nd appointment, to the hearing aid guy at the Grant Park Shopping Centre. Once there I remained in the van to make certain it got charged up. Upon Frank’s return I shut the van off, and we went to dine in the elegance of Zeller’s cafĂ©. After a few hot coffees and a lite lunch we return home without incident although somewhat later.
Does it end there NO! I sat down to watch the evening news and my remote would not change the channels, big hairy deal but still irritating.
The deal with Frank was that he would take me into the Peg, for my eye appointment on Tuesday. Even thought my appointment was at noon, I want to ensure I had an alarm clock that worked. I retrieve the battery operated clock from above the big screen T.V. I began by setting it to Central Standard Time then set the alarm time. It dutifully awoke me, but I was unable to shut it off, as the on/off button is about the size of the eye of a needle. I quickly utilize my nail clippers and broke the entire button off. There I sat on my bed listening to the un soothing sounds of the alarm and the blinking miniature headlights, an added feature of this clock. Drowsy, but alert I proceed to remove the battery lid and take out the 2 double “AA” batteries. I then took those double “AA” batteries an put them in my T.V. remote, problem solved, a lease I could change T.V. channels now.
Frank P. arrived in his polished Chrysler Breeze which he preferred to use as it has front wheel drive, his truck although is roomier. Bundled up I was confined like a moth in a cocoon. Only a moth when it stretches, exercises, and breaks out of it’s cocoon results in a beautiful butterfly. Whereas I requiring to be pushed out the car door to get out, still remained ugly. The visit resulted in an eye condition that was improving, what a relief and positive affirmation for me. Another elegant lunch at Zeller’s and we are homeward bound.
I add my new 2008 eye appointment to my existing medical appointment list, only to notice I had bloodwork, for Wednesday morning at BTHC.
I fasted and got up as we all did to about 5”to 6” of pure clean white fluffy snow. Again, no sweat about a month ago with the assistance of my Honda manual, the big red snow machine’s controls were checked out, gas tank top up, shear pin installed, and motor started It purred like my cat Schpitzie,… girl. I return from BTHC and breakfast with the warmth of porridge and coffee in my tummy. I enter my shed set the controls, pulled on the starting rope, a small sputter and it died, despite my effort to revive it. So much for the famous Honda name and myth. My only saving grace that day was the cabbage roll dinner at the Friendship Centre. Morden Concrete’s Bobcat cleaned out my driveway.
Later a visit to “the Source” where I purchased a simply tiny travelling alarm clock. Dave and Jeff couldn’t contain their gleeful joy at prying money out of me, no matter how small the sum.
Oh! so this is rather long and I should be finished, SORRY!
Being a responsible person I checked in with “Ed” Lucier at Mountain Auto Service and replace my worn windshield wipers, There’s a couple of points for safely operating a vehicle. As I drove around with my door ajar light on, a matter I would take care of when I got home.
Back on the home front I settled in for a little fine evening cuisine. I put some Rib Style Boneless Pork in a bowl, added sauce and place it in my microwave. I savoured the thought of my cabbage roll side dish, obtained in a deal from the Friendship Centre. As I put on my oven mitts and removed the rib bowl, the glass turntable also came out and smashed smartly on the floor. More unanticipated clean up. This sort of soured my evening meal.
Well a good nights rest would take care of these matters.
Thursday, up after dawn jump in the van and zilch, nothing, dead, you stupid, ignorant, A…, as the anger welled up in me again. My mindless mind forgot to properly close the van door yesterday. Serves you right! Off I trudge to Mamma Mia’s for breakfast. Who comes in later but Frank Postnick and Reg Braun. I inform them about my most recent escape, they ask me if I have a battery charger, I reply yes I have, but doubt if I can find it. Once again Frank comes to the rescue and brings over his charger. I’m up and running again, I just don’t know for how long?
So there you have it a typical week in the life of…..Harold!
So there we both stood in front of the entrance of the 25 Sherbrook Street park cad slowly getting colder. A CAA tow truck passed by, and later a CAA quarter ton. Frank finally went up to the overpass to get warm. Finally at 1:35 p.m. a CAA rescuer appeared. Wouldn’t you know it, his initial vehicle wouldn’t start, so had to get another one. Bang my van started and off we went to Frank’s 2nd appointment, to the hearing aid guy at the Grant Park Shopping Centre. Once there I remained in the van to make certain it got charged up. Upon Frank’s return I shut the van off, and we went to dine in the elegance of Zeller’s cafĂ©. After a few hot coffees and a lite lunch we return home without incident although somewhat later.
Does it end there NO! I sat down to watch the evening news and my remote would not change the channels, big hairy deal but still irritating.
The deal with Frank was that he would take me into the Peg, for my eye appointment on Tuesday. Even thought my appointment was at noon, I want to ensure I had an alarm clock that worked. I retrieve the battery operated clock from above the big screen T.V. I began by setting it to Central Standard Time then set the alarm time. It dutifully awoke me, but I was unable to shut it off, as the on/off button is about the size of the eye of a needle. I quickly utilize my nail clippers and broke the entire button off. There I sat on my bed listening to the un soothing sounds of the alarm and the blinking miniature headlights, an added feature of this clock. Drowsy, but alert I proceed to remove the battery lid and take out the 2 double “AA” batteries. I then took those double “AA” batteries an put them in my T.V. remote, problem solved, a lease I could change T.V. channels now.
Frank P. arrived in his polished Chrysler Breeze which he preferred to use as it has front wheel drive, his truck although is roomier. Bundled up I was confined like a moth in a cocoon. Only a moth when it stretches, exercises, and breaks out of it’s cocoon results in a beautiful butterfly. Whereas I requiring to be pushed out the car door to get out, still remained ugly. The visit resulted in an eye condition that was improving, what a relief and positive affirmation for me. Another elegant lunch at Zeller’s and we are homeward bound.
I add my new 2008 eye appointment to my existing medical appointment list, only to notice I had bloodwork, for Wednesday morning at BTHC.
I fasted and got up as we all did to about 5”to 6” of pure clean white fluffy snow. Again, no sweat about a month ago with the assistance of my Honda manual, the big red snow machine’s controls were checked out, gas tank top up, shear pin installed, and motor started It purred like my cat Schpitzie,… girl. I return from BTHC and breakfast with the warmth of porridge and coffee in my tummy. I enter my shed set the controls, pulled on the starting rope, a small sputter and it died, despite my effort to revive it. So much for the famous Honda name and myth. My only saving grace that day was the cabbage roll dinner at the Friendship Centre. Morden Concrete’s Bobcat cleaned out my driveway.
Later a visit to “the Source” where I purchased a simply tiny travelling alarm clock. Dave and Jeff couldn’t contain their gleeful joy at prying money out of me, no matter how small the sum.
Oh! so this is rather long and I should be finished, SORRY!
Being a responsible person I checked in with “Ed” Lucier at Mountain Auto Service and replace my worn windshield wipers, There’s a couple of points for safely operating a vehicle. As I drove around with my door ajar light on, a matter I would take care of when I got home.
Back on the home front I settled in for a little fine evening cuisine. I put some Rib Style Boneless Pork in a bowl, added sauce and place it in my microwave. I savoured the thought of my cabbage roll side dish, obtained in a deal from the Friendship Centre. As I put on my oven mitts and removed the rib bowl, the glass turntable also came out and smashed smartly on the floor. More unanticipated clean up. This sort of soured my evening meal.
Well a good nights rest would take care of these matters.
Thursday, up after dawn jump in the van and zilch, nothing, dead, you stupid, ignorant, A…, as the anger welled up in me again. My mindless mind forgot to properly close the van door yesterday. Serves you right! Off I trudge to Mamma Mia’s for breakfast. Who comes in later but Frank Postnick and Reg Braun. I inform them about my most recent escape, they ask me if I have a battery charger, I reply yes I have, but doubt if I can find it. Once again Frank comes to the rescue and brings over his charger. I’m up and running again, I just don’t know for how long?
So there you have it a typical week in the life of…..Harold!